The challenge
We aim to address the prevalence of misinformation, prejudice, and discriminatory attitudes in society, exacerbated by a lack of preparedness among individuals to navigate and counteract these issues effectively. We recognise the need for accessible and engaging resources to equip individuals, particularly young people, with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to raise their voices when they encounter instances of homophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of discrimination.

Our solution
We leverage technology to develop a quiz game for mobile phones where users will engage in simulated debates. There, users will encounter arguments commonly used to justify discriminatory beliefs or misinformation and be provided with the necessary knowledge to win the debate. The quizzes will cover various topics related to social justice, democracy, and human rights and are specially designed to offer an engaging and immersive learning experience. Also, the app bears features that allow users to contribute with new questions, participate in the initiative’s decision-making, and interact with other users, aspiring to instil a sense of community in users.

Expected Impact
We expect progressive ideas to become more prevalent in society through our game. Gen Z is the first generation that doesn’t seek to receive knowledge from an authority (a university or an expert), but they get it online. So, it is more likely to learn a new skill or knowledge from an online quiz game that they discovered than other means. Also, Gen Z maintains scepticism towards political parties. Instead, they follow and trust activists/influencers and see collective empowerment as a solution to social problems. Thus, it is more likely to adopt progressive ideas and be socially active within a participatory digital activism initiative as a starting point.

Our team
Our team comprises 10 people aged 22-35 who feel the internal need to act towards a socially just society. We have complementary backgrounds and sound expertise in niche fields: a political scientist, a political communication specialist, a software developer, a project manager and business analyst, as well as people belonging to the environmental, feminist, LGBTI+ and anti-racist communities. We work collaboratively and make decisions based on the “one person, one vote” principle. Our purpose is non-profit. Also, we get support from an advisory board of highly experienced people in policy and academia.
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